Lot of 2 "Gifts in a Jar" books in Brand New condition. Spiral bound for easy access and reading. 1. Muffins & Breads 2. Bars & Brownies Each recipe includes gifts tags for your convenience. Mailed USPS Media Mail
- Author: G and R Publishing Staff
- Book Series: Gifts in a Jar Ser.
- Book Title: Gifts in a Jar, Muffins and Breads
- Era: 2000s
- Format: Trade Paperback
- Genre: Cooking, Social Science
- ISBN: 9781563831225
- Intended Audience: Ages 9-12, Young Adults, Adults
- Language: English
- Number of Pages: 128 Pages
- Publication Year: 2003
- Publisher: G&R Publishing
- Topic: Courses & Dishes / Bread, Customs & Traditions, Methods / Baking
- Type: Recipe Book
- gtin13: 9781563831225